
Where To Register Vehicle In Lsu

Regulation of Vehicular Traffic


All motor vehicles operating on the LSU Eunice campus must accept a registration decal. Educatee decals must be placed on the left rear bumper or on the left side of the rear windshield (affix on the exterior drinking glass). If the decal is not properly affixed, the vehicle will exist ticketed. Vehicles with decals that accept been cut, altered or defaced will be issued a ticket. Faculty and Staff are issued hangtags.

decal on car

Vehicles must exist registered by the end of the first week of classes. Anyone who temporarily needs to bring a vehicle on campus other than the 1 registered should obtain a temporary permit from the LSU Eunice Police force and Campus Security Office located in the Science Edifice Room 138. In order to obtain a temporary permit, a vehicle must exist currently registered.

Decals designate the areas in which vehicles are to be parked. Educatee decals let students to park in any parking areas designated for students on a commencement come, first served basis.

Students parking inside of the Bengal Village Apartment complex must have a specific LSU Eunice Bengal Hamlet Decal. This decal is valid for parking in student parking areas throughout the campus.

Faculty, Staff, and Students: To register your vehicle

  1. Log into your myLSUE account.
  2. Select the Student Services tab.
  3. Enter all vehicle information required. All previously registered vehicles MUST Be UPDATED EACH FALL SEMESTER.
  4. Click the "ADD" or "UPDATE" button on the webpage and get a "successful" message.
  5. Get to the LSUE Business Office customer window next to Room 115 of the Science Building to pickup and pay for your decal. Office hours are 8 a.1000. - 4:30 p.m
  6. The registration fee is $30 per vehicle per yr (Baronial to Baronial). Decals for summer merely are $10.


  1. It is the responsibility of all persons operating motor vehicles on campus to acquire and obey traffic and parking regulations.
  2. Pedestrians just accept the correct of manner when within marked crosswalk areas.
  3. Unless a dissimilar limit is posted, the speed limit is 15 mph on all campus streets and ten mph in parking areas. Drivers must adjust their speed to less than these limits when conditions so indicate.
  4. Vehicles must park in areas specifically designated for vehicles bearing a particular decal. Parking decals are issued for students and hangtags for employees. Parking is permitted just in lots and on ane side of Center Street (faculty and staff parking). Parking along other streets is not permitted. Vans and over-size or regular-size trucks are not allowed to park on Center Street. Delight be especially careful on Center Street. Drivers bankroll out or individuals walking between cars should be on the alert for oncoming traffic.
  5. Vehicles must follow established traffic routes (indicated by arrows) in parking lots. Cutting across lots is not permitted.
  6. Vehicles must be centered in marked parking spaces.
  7. Vehicles must not exist backed into parking spaces on lots. Drivers should not pull across one parking space to reach the opposite space. Backing into a space or pulling across to an opposite space leaves the parked vehicle illegally facing against the catamenia of traffic. Authorized Emergency Vehicles are exempt.
  8. Vehicles must be registered by the end of the first total week of classes.
  9. Vehicle decals are valid from the appointment the car is registered until the following August fifteen.
  10. Vehicles must stop at all stop signs


Those in need of a handicapped sticker should request one at LSU Eunice Police and Campus Security office. Proper documentation is required. If documentation cannot be provided, the student, faculty, or staff member volition be directed to Pupil Support Services to see with the Coordinator of Disability Services


Failure to register a vehicle: $25

Illegal parking: $25

Moving violation: $25

Illegal parking in handicapped space: $75

Cut, altering, or defacing decal: $25

Vehicles receiving three or more tickets may be banned from operating on the LSU Eunice campus.


A form to appeal parking and traffic tickets may be obtained in person from the Part of Student Affairs, Room 112 of the Acadian Center.


Note that the speed limit on LSUE Bulldoze from the Maple Avenue intersection is 35 mph.

Caution: Trains still use the railway line crossing Highway 3123 immediately earlier the intersection with Highway 13 south of LSU Eunice. Exercise non have a chance at any crossing. Check carefully at all railroad crossings

Where To Register Vehicle In Lsu,


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